Thank you for choosing NGX

Your DNA Nutrition test is the first step to an enhanced you. Simply collect a tissue sample from the inside of your cheek & return it using the wallet.

Within 10-14 working days, you’ll receive your personalised report packed full of insights for optimising your nutrition.

Please read all instructions prior to collecting your DNA sample
Sending from the UK
Sending from Europe
Sending from the US

The kit contains:

1 x Buccal Swab 1 x RapiDri™ Pouch 1 x Barcode Label 1 x Tracked Return Label 1 x Return Mailer Bag
You will also find a transparent sticker that you will use to seal the wallet before its return.
Please ensure you register the barcode label in your kit. You will receive an email confirming the registration. Register Kit

Please do not:

Smoke, drink, eat, chew gum or clean your teeth for 1 hour before collecting your sample.

Open the RapiDri™ Swab kit remove barcode label and register it Register Kit then put to one side (this label will be used later to re-seal the pouch)
Remove the swab & pouch from RapiDri™ Swab kit. Make sure you do not touch the sponge
Taking care to avoid the teeth and using both sides, rub the swab the sponge tip on the inside of each cheek, for 1 minute in total.
Place the swab inside the RapiDri™ Pouch, ensuring that the swab sponge is within the demarked drying area
Peel the sticky barcode label
Fold the pouch over at the indicated fold line & seal using the barcode label.


Make sure you have registered the barcode lable you will have an email confirming this

Register Kit
Returning Your Sample.
Place the RapiDri pouch back in the wallet
Secure it with the sticker provided
Stick the tracked return label onto the mailer bag and place the kit inside. then drop the bag into your nearest postbox.

If you don't have a return label, please post the kit to the following address:

Nutri-Genetix Ltd
C/O AttoDiagnostics Ltd
403 Scottow Enterprise Park
Lamas Road
Norwich, Norfolk, NR10 5FB
United Kingdom
Currently there is no Freepost service available within your region. Please return the DNA sample, with postage paid, to the following address:

Nutri-Genetix Ltd
4291 Express Lane
Suite 9431-611
Sarasota, FL 34249
Currently there is no Freepost service available within your region. Please return the DNA sample, with postage paid, to the following address:

Nutri-Genetix Ltd
C/O AttoDiagnostics Ltd
403 Scottow Enterprise Park
Lamas Road
Norwich, Norfolk, NR10 5FB
United Kingdom