How your genes impact your life is up to you - take control
By choosing NGX shakes, you’re not just getting a generic supplement; you’re receiving a nutritional solution tailored to your genetic needs. This personalized approach ensures that your body gets the exact nutrients it needs to maintain optimal health, support bone strength, preserve muscle mass, protect against chronic illnesses such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, dementia, and cardiovascular risks. In doing so, NGX shakes help you live a longer, healthier, and more vibrant life, with reduced risk of the declines and diseases often associated with aging.
Genomics in Personalized Nutrition: Can You “Eat for Your Genes”?
Veronica A. Mullins 1, William Bresette 1 , Laurel Johnstone 2, Brian Hallmark 2 and Floyd H. Chilton 1,2
How your nutrition requirements impact your fitness, health and wellbeing
Nutrients play a critical role in all aspects of our fitness, health and wellbeing. When nutrient levels are reduced below required levels, this can have a negative impact on physiological performance. Following average dietary guidelines will not give you everything you need to achieve your best fitness and health goals. "Dietary reference values are designed for the general population and based on different metabolic outcomes and are not optimised for genetic subgroups which may differ critically in the activity of transport proteins for a micronutrient and/or enzymes that require that micronutrient as a cofactor…"

Prof. Michael Fenech, world renowned thought leader in nutrigeneticss: viewpoints on the current status and applications in nutrition research and practice. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics. 2011;4(2):69-89. doi:10.1159/000327772
Illustration of how a key variant in the MTHFR gene reduces folate (vitamin B9) bio-availability*
*the proportion of nutrient that enters into blood circulation, so is able to have an active effect

Homocysteine and MTHFR Mutations, Stephan Moll, Elizabeth A. Varga 7 Jul 2015 Circulation. 2015;132:e6–e9.
Guinotte CL, Burns MG et. Al.. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677C-->T variant modulates folate status response to controlled folate intakes in young women. J Nutr. 2003 May;133(5):1272-80. doi: 10.1093/jn/133.5.1272. PMID: 12730409.
Solis C, Veenema K, Ivanov AA, et al. Folate intake at RDA levels is inadequate for Mexican American men with the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677TT genotype. J Nutr. 2008;138(1):67-72. doi:10.1093/jn/138.1.67

Nutrigenetics - a cutting edge science
Nutrigenetics is the field of science that seeks to understand how we metabolise and process different nutrients, based on our unique genetic make-up.
Our DNA can have a significant effect on the way our bodies use nutrients, such as how these nutrients are absorbed, transported, activated, and eliminated from the body. Once our genetic profile has been determined, we can match our nutrient intake to our genetic make-up to achieve enhanced physical and cognitive performance.
Simply following government recommended dietary allowances is not going to give you what you specially need to best realise your health and fitness goals. Prof. Michael Fenech, of CSIRO Preventative Health National Research Flagship commented in his key 2011 paper:
'Dietary reference values, e.g. recommended dietary allowance (RDA) are designed for the general population and based on different metabolic outcomes, are not optimised for genetic subgroups which may differ critically in the activity of transport proteins for a micronutrient and/or enzymes that require that micronutrient as a cofactor. The ultimate goal (of nutrigenetics) is to match the nutriome (i.e. nutrient intake combination) with the current genome status (i.e. inherited and acquired genome) so that genome maintenance, gene expression, metabolism and cell function can occur normally and in a homeostatically sustainable manner. Better health outcomes can be achieved if nutritional requirements are customised for each individual taking into consideration both his/her inherited and acquired genetic characteristics depending on life stage, dietary preferences and health status.'
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3121546/
The power of nutrigenetics
We work with leading experts in the field of nutrigenetics. Together, we use the science to develop enhanced nutritional plans that put you in the strongest position to achieve your goals.
“The relationship between our genes and what we eat is becoming clearer through advances in the field of nutrigenetics - once an individual has had their genetic profile determined, they can optimise their daily nutritional intake and achieve enhanced physical and cognitive performance.”
Dr. Vimal Karani, Associate Professor of Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics, University of Reading

What is DNA and genetics?
DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid and is a chemical found in nearly every cell in the human body.
Our DNA is arranged as a double helix and holds the genetic information that determines our physical traits and characteristics – from our eye colour to how we metabolise and process different nutrients.
Each double helix is composed of four base pairs: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). The order, or sequence of these components is called a gene (and collectively genotype). This is similar to the way in which letters of the alphabet are ordered to form words and sentences. These genes provide the instructions our bodies need to make molecules such as protein, which perform functions such as breaking down and processing nutrients.
NGX Science
The genes we test for
To understand your unique nutritional requirement, our DNA Nutrition test analyses the following panel of genes.Find out more about the genes and related nutrients below:
The MTHFR gene plays an important role in folate (vitamin B9) metabolism. The test is used to identify variations in two specific regions of the MTHFR gene - C677T and A1298C that determine the level of MTHFR enzyme activity and the corresponding ability to utilise folate.
TT - May reduce MTHFR function by 80%
CT - May reduce MTHFR function by 35%
CC - Normal MTHFR function
CC - May significantly reduce MTHFR activity
CT - May slightly reduce MTHFR activity
TT - Normal MTHFR function
The RFC1 gene is a transporter of folate and is involved in the regulation of intracellular concentrations of folate.
Variants on this gene are associated with a reduced ability to take up, retain, and metabolise folate.
AA - Associated with higher levels of folate
GA - Associated with higher levels of folate
GG - Associated with reduced levels of folate
The TCN2 gene provides instructions for making a protein called transcobalamin.
This protein transports vitamin B12 from the bloodstream to cells throughout the body.
GG - May significantly reduce the efficiency of B12 transport
CG - Can slow down the transport of B12 into cells
CC - Normal TCN2 function
The VDR gene provides instructions for making the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) receptor, which allows the body to respond to vitamin D. This test is used to identify variations in two specific regions of the VDR gene to determine the level of response.
VDR – rs731236
TT - Reduced ability to absorb vitamin
CT - Reduced ability to absorb vitamin
TT - Normal ability to absorb vitamin D
VDR – rs1544410
GG - Good Vitamin D Receptor sensitivity
GA - Reduced Vitamin D receptor sensitivity
AA - Reduced Vitamin D receptor sensitivity
CYP1A2 plays an important role in the body detoxification process and how we process and eliminate caffeine. Individuals who carry one or more CYP1A2*1C alleles are slow caffeine metabolisers.
AA - Fast metaboliser of toxins and caffeine
AC - Intermediate metaboliser of toxins and caffeine
CC - Slow metaboliser of toxins and caffeine
CAT, SOD2 and GPX1 genes provide instructions for making proteins and enzymes (such as antioxidants) that protect against and breakdown free radicals, which cause damage to healthy cells and DNA.
TT - Reduced capacity to neutralise free radicals
CT - Moderately reduced capacity to neutralise free radicals
CC - Normal capacity to reduce free radicals
TT - Reduced capacity to neutralise free radicals by 39%
CT - Moderately reduced capacity to neutralise free radicals
CC - Normal capacity to reduce free radicals
TT - Reduced capacity to neutralise free radicals
CT - Moderately reduced capacity to neutralise free radicals
CC - Normal capacity to reduce free radicals
The Interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene is associated with the synthesis of IL-6, a multifunctional cytokine that regulates immune responses such as inflammation by secreting substances to influence other cells.
GG - Increased cytokine levels
CG - Moderately increased cytokine levels
CC - Normal cytokine levels
Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) helps regulate the immune response involved in inflammation. Variants on TNF are associated with an overactive immune response and susceptibility to a range of inflammatory health conditions.
AA - Increased risk of producing excessive Tumour Necrosis Factor
AG - Moderately increased risk of producing excessive Tumour Necrosis Factor
GG - Normal TNF activity and immune response
Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) is involved in the regulation of triglyceride (the most common form of fat in the body) blood plasma levels and the subsequent levels of α-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E).
CC - Significantly reduced levels of a-tocopherol in plasma
CA - Slightly reduced levels of a-tocopherol in plasma
AA - Normal levels of a-tocopherol in plasma
The BC01 gene converts beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) into vitamin A so that it can be used by the body.
Variants on the BCO1 gene can reduce your ability to convert beta-carotene by more than 50%.
This test is used to identify variations in two specific regions of the BC01 gene to determine how well you convert beta-carotene.
BCO1 - rs12934922
CC - Likely to be poor at converting beta-carotene to vitamin
CA - Slightly reduced ability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin
AA - Normal ability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin A
BCO1 - rs7501331
CC - Likely to be poor at converting beta-carotene to vitamin
AC - Slightly reduced ability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin
AA - Normal ability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin A
The LCT gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called lactase. This enzyme helps to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products.
CC – Likely to be lactose intolerant
CT – Likely to be lactose tolerant
TT – Likely to be lactose tolerant
The HLA-DQA2/8 gene provides instructions for making a protein that plays a critical role in the immune system.
Variants on HLA genes are associated with auto-immune conditions including Coeliac Disease, which is an inability to digest gliadin, the component of gluten found in wheat, rye and barley.
TT - Highest risk of developing Coeliac Disease and more likely to be gluten intolerant
TC - Slightly increased risk of developing Coeliac Disease and gluten intolerance
CC - Not likely to develop Coeliac Disease or gluten intolerance
The ADRB2 gene encodes for a receptor which is a vital part of the sympathetic nervous system which controls fat metabolism and weight gain.
Variants in this gene are shown to be associated with increased sensitivity to carbohydrates in the diet, wherein a diet high in carbohydrates increases the risk for obesity.
CC - carbohydrate intake not associated with obesity
GC - moderate sensitivity to carbohydrates
GG - more likely to gain weight from a high carbohydrate diet
CC - carbohydrate intake not associated with obesity
GC - moderate sensitivity to carbohydrates
GG - more likely to gain weight from a high carbohydrate diet
ADRB3 is involved in the regulation of energy expenditure and variants in this gene are associated with a predisposition to obesity and resistance to weight loss. Those with variants in this gene may be suited to a higher fat diet for increased weight loss response due to increased insulin resistance.
TT - carbohydrate intake not associated with obesity
TC - moderate sensitivity to carbohydrates
CC - more likely to gain weight from a high carbohydrate diet
The FTO gene is also known as the ‘fat mass and obesity-associated gene’ since it can impact weight management and body composition.
This gene’s role in the body is related to metabolic rate, energy expenditure and energy balance. It is also expressed in regions of the brain that are involved in the regulation of energy intake.
AA - more likely to have a higher risk for obesity
AT - moderate risk for obesity
TT - less likely to have a higher risk for obesity
The APOC3 gene plays a multifaceted role in triglyceride (cholesterol) homeostasis. Variants in this gene are associated with an increased risk for high cholesterol and high plasma triglyceride levels.
CC - associated with lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol
CG - normal levels of triglycerides and cholesterol
GG - higher levels of triglycerides and cholesterol
The LPL gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase.
This enzyme plays a critical role in breaking down fat in the form of triglycerides and influences whether the body uses these fat molecules as energy or are stored for later use.
AA - increased sensitivity to fats
AG - moderate sensitivity to fats
GG - reduced sensitive to fats
Variants in the ACE gene are associated with impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in response to a high carbohydrate diet.
Deleted- gene deletion associated with higher fasting glucose levels and increased insulin sensitivity
Inserted- associated with lower fasting glucose levels and higher insulin resistance
PPARg is associated with fat storage and glucose metabolism. Because of its involvement in the formation of fat, this gene can impact weight management and body composition.
Specifically, individuals with variants of this gene tend to experience greater weight loss and lose more body fat when consuming a diet high in monounsaturated fats.
CC - More likely to regain weight after a calorie-reduced diet
CG - Moderate risk of weight regain
GG - Less likely to regain weight after a calorie-reduced diet
The TCF7L2 gene codes for a vital transcription factor which controls the expression of other genes in the gut and pancreas, with a particular role in glucose metabolism and insulin secretion.
Variants in this gene may determine how well you respond to high-carbohydrate foods and risk for insulin resistance (a weakened ability to control blood sugars).
TT - Poor insulin response to carbohydrates
TC - Average insulin response to carbohydrates
CC - Good insulin response to carbohydrates
The BCMO1 gene is associated with the synthesis of beta-carotene oxygenase 1, an enzyme that converts precursor vitamin A (beta-carotene) into active retinol.
People with certain variants of the gene are associated with a nearly 60% reduction in enzyme activity and require higher levels of retinol to compensate for this.
BCMO1a rs12934922
TT - more likely to have lower plasma retinol levels
AT - moderate plasma retinol levels
AA - more likely to have higher plasma retinol levels
BCMO1b rs7501331
TT - more likely to have lower plasma retinol levels
TC - moderate plasma retinol levels
CC - more likely to have higher plasma retinol levels
What do your genes say about you?
Take our DNA Nutrition Test and discover what your personal nutrition should ideally look like for your genes and body type with this comprehensive genetic test and report.